Sunday, April 27, 2014

Don't cry for me Argentina

Depending on your age this could be either by Madonna in the early nineties, or by Julie Covington in 1977. Tim Rice clearly tried to curry favour with this classic, as it turned out to be a bit of a korma korma korma chameleon hot hit, racing to the number 1 slot, quicker than you can say 'get on with it please...'

Argentina derives it's name from the latin for silver, ARGENTUM which was thought to be plentiful in the early Spanish explorer period.

Also thought to be plentiful is the profusion of silver that is currently being splashed about with gay abandon by my nurses....

Por Que? I hear you cry...

Silver is an antimicrobial agent, known to both the Ancient Greeks and Romans. It's use became widespread in the 18th and nineteenth centuries as medicine and wound care evolved.

Now pay attention, here's the science bit:
Silver ions are highly reactive and affect multiple sites within bacterial cells, ultimately causing cell death. They bind to bacterial cell membranes, causing disruption of the bacterial cell wall and cell leakage. Silver ions transported into the cell disrupt cell function by binding to proteins and interfering with energy production, enzyme function, and cell replication. Silver ions are active against a broad range of bacteria, fungi, and viruses

These days we have the luxury of silver dressings, topical creams, strips and of course good old spoons for placement in refined mouths. 
Meanwhile, my nurses, all aquiver at the thought of "new" dressings have embraced silver, just like Robin and his Merry men. With continual application hopefully this last remaining wound from January will heal, rather than endure for Eva Peron, and on......

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