Sunday, February 23, 2014


The tumultuous roar of the crowd, the screaming hordes massing in tense and anxious anticipation, ready to unite in euphoric outburst....

The crowds outside the BBC in 1964 perhaps?
Close but you would be wrong......
The crowds were indeed amassed, spectators awaiting the arrival of the British (and Irish) invasion, but this was Napier 2014, not Shea Stadium 1965, at the annual Mission Estate Winery Open Air Concert. The line up to include such luminaries as Billy Ocean, Leo Sayer, Mel C and little old Ronan Keating.

We had secured our spot amongst the the throng, and were dipping into nibbles, eagerly awaiting the first act and were contemplating the decisions of the hour. Feta or Cheddar for you? Cushion or pullover? Pass a plate, thanks...
When suddenly from nowhere 2 highly excitable "ladies" crashed into our party.
"It is isn't it?" They said, looking at me.
I assumed they had seen a Napier colleague or local, and smiled politely at them.

"Look, it's him!, It's him, isn't it"
This time they were pointing wildly as well as staring at me.
Bemused to discover  who I was, I smiled and waved at them

"OMG, it's really him, it is, we love you, we love you!!"
Sensing perhaps that they might be disappointed  I enquired who they thought I was?

"The Beatles!!!" they screamed hysterically, as they barely contained themselves.
As we laughed and pointed out the error of their ways, they retreated to their seats. Dejected, my potential fans glanced back with a faint hope that we might indeed be mistaken.

So which one? The strangely brown haired 71 year old Paul, or the Yasser Arafat lookalike Ringo?
 Hopefully neither. Clearly I have the style, panache, vibrancy and joie de vivre of just one remaining Beetle...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Mambo Number 5

Ladies and gentlemen
This is Mambo No. 5..

A little bit of Gillian in my life
A little bit of Harriet by my side
A little bit of Rita is all I need 
A little bit of Tina is what I see 
A little bit of Hazel in the sun 
A little bit of Jackie all night long 
A little bit of nursing here I am 
A little bit of dressing makes me your man.
A roll call of the many district nurses who have been looking after me since the vein operation.

Some at home, some at the local Health board clinic, some twice, some daily, some using breathable dressings, some using waterproof ones.
Offering advice and practical wound care for a couple of snips that are taking rather a long time to mend. It is their position, right at the waist and groin, that is hindering the healing.

Bending, sitting, driving, wearing trouser, all take their toll.

Thank heavens I'm in good gloved hands.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Room with a View.

Imagine the exotic scene that greeted Helena Bonham-Carter as she gazed majestically over some wafty balmy paradise, ooze with delight as Dame Maggie Smith charaacter acts to perfection. Squeal with delight at the exquisite period acting charm of Dame Judi Dench and swoon as masterful leading men take charge and lead the way, whilst expressing hidden torment and British reserve.

So time to move onto the period set, and marvel at the view from my Nurse's room, as she gets "Down and Dirty" with my dressings, (stunt legs of course).....cue action.
Cut! Who left a pair of denim shows in shot? Not period. Cue camera, pan left....
        And action......
 Quite an impressive vista from the doctor's surgery is it not? Slightly better than a grey wall, an air conditioning unit or urban traffic to lift your spirits as you lay recumbent, having your dressings attended to.

Thanks luvvies, no please Dame Judi, no more drama and that's period, and can someone please get me some more scatter cushions....