Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Thank you.

Dear Donor Family,
This time of year marks two anniversaries, which although distinctly polar in aspect are joined by a common thread. On 1 side there is your family, remembering the first year following your loved one’s passing.  On the other is my family, marking the first anniversary of my transplant.
I cannot imagine your grief, your sense of loss and the void that opened up following the events of last year.
In the midst of this turmoil and emotion you bravely took the decision to allow your loved one’s organs to be donated, thus bringing hope, life and transformation to so many other families.
I was fortunate to receive both a kidney and a pancreas from your loved one, 
and I just wanted to write and say thank you.
I had been a diabetic for thirty nine years, with a daily routine of injections, medicines, dieting and the ever constant threat of diabetic hypos and attacks. Diabetes also slowly affects circulation,  the nervous system, eyesight, immune system and major organs. In 2005 I was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Failure, with my kidneys failing. When my kidney function reached 8% of normal output, I was put onto dialysis for the next three years. This involved hospital visits three time a week, each lasting four hours, as the dialysis machine filtered my blood, taking over from the diseased kidneys.
Dialysis is a very exhausting process with numerous dangerous side effects, and severely impacts on life expectancy, quality of life and mental wellbeing. I was always unwell, tired and generally felt a burden on my family and friends.
Suddenly all this changed last year when I received the call that was to change my life.
I was very lucky to be given back the quality of life I had previously enjoyed, all thanks to your brave and generous decision to allow your loved one’s organs to be donated.
I can’t express mine and family’s continued joy and appreciation at your sense of generosity, and want you know that the operation was successful, and I continue to benefit from it on a daily basis.
With heartfelt thanks and respect to you and your loved one.

A transplant recipient.


  1. That was beautiful x

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on kidney
    pain lоcation. Regаrds

    Hеre іs my blоg рost :: kidney infection pain

  3. Andrew your prose is such that our english teacher would be proud
    (if I could only remember her name, our 5th year .... I placed eggs in the pocket
    of her coat ......remember that, I try not to.. ) another story.

    Anyway you are doing everything by massive extremes I see : another transplanted part needed, yet obtained ????? How are you fairing... would like to see you very quickly if possible: will be flying into AKL on 26.09.just me and S + K ..Get Glenn to txt or email me to let us know how you are if you not up to it - and as you say we can remember so much from your (and my) music collection - Shalamar ..../// ??

    Take care old friend, thinking about you ...
