Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bad Manners?

No not some social faux pas uttered in my prescence for me to pounce upon and relish the retort, but instead the ska band of the very early eighties , who jumped up the British charts with hits such as Can Can, Special Brew and Lip Up Fatty. Fronted by their wobbly bald headed lout of a lead singer, they garnered the public' attention and affection.
Of course he had to have the de rigeur weird name, and this gentleman revelled in the nom de plume "Buster Bloodvessel". Oh such wit.And it is with this epithet that we delve back into my world, where Buster has indeed been seen....

My right eye has fallen foul of the old diabetic retinothapy, with the result being a small blood bleed into my vitreous gel (The squigdy clear bit that sits behind the pupil and the iris, into which flow the retinal arteries.
Now with the grim harbingers of  diabetes and age the poor old arteries have a tendency occasionally to leak, releasing a small  escape of blood into the vitreous gel. This results in the eyesight of that eye being interrupted by a layer of black streaks and waves which move with  the sight as the eye moves. A very odd and slightly disorientating sensation. It feels like there is a  ghastly ephereal spirit phantasmagorically weaving and flowing in front of your eyes. It begins at first from dark concentrated spots in the field of vision, like black holes, leaking antimatter into the visual universe. Rapidly they spread out and grow in stature, until they affect the entire organ.

In cinematic terms they are the equivalent of the spectral visions emanaiting from the Ark of the Holy Covenant when it is finally opened by the naughty Nazi archeologists, except my phantoms are quite harmless.
At first the effect is so distracting that covering that eye improved the sight for reading, driving and watching TV.After a day or so the patterns start to dissipate as the blood starts ti dissolve onto the vitreous gel, which is 99% water. They then start to appear translucent  and elongated, like a black Aureola Borealis.
And suddenly after a week or so they vanish and the eyesight is left unblemished and clear once more.

These floaters seem to be linked to high blood pressure, and this time the catalyst would be lifting boxes of ornaments during our ongoing house move. So shall be more careful for the rest of the packing and unpacking boxes.

I didn't really appreciate Buster Bloodvessel and his music intruding into my aural world in the 80's and now I dont like the intrusion into my visual world,
After all turning up and hanging around when you are not invited is the height of bad manners.

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