Monday, November 12, 2012

Eye to Eye

A track gifted to us by the buxom diva, Chaka Khan, who, I must admit, I thought was the name of an Indian cricketer with a particularly deadly arm swing.
However "Chucker" then out of nowhere threw a googley, smashing not stumps but the charts with "I feel for you" in 1984..
Clearly optically inspired Ms Khan carried  on with hit after hit, and was graciously "honoured" by Whitney Houston who covered her "I'm Every Woman" and featured her with an appearance in the video, with Ms Houston gesticulating and repeating "Chaka Khan" throughout. Once the novelty wore off this became somewhat of an irritation...Yes of course its Chaka Khan  Surely your people talked to her people? How many lost disco divas accidentally stumble upon a video shoot, of a cover of their own song....?

Anyway  rant over,back to, normality. And after last weeks visual drama interspaced with intense blood "wafting" mine eyes hath returned to approximately 90% of clear vision. The "floaters" are still there, albeit in a very reduced capacity and now resemble a small dark tropical fish flitting around a large transparent fish tank...

And whilst it is still present, it is not as offputting as before and can be largely ignored, bar the occasional check on it's wellbeing.

Just like a sea captain's pet. Aye Aye Cap'n

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