Thursday, August 15, 2013


Most people have a pretty positive opinion about the art of arriving. Think of glamourous international travel, cosmopolitan adventurers decanting from luxury trains, Suave Alan Whicker posing in some far flung Arab souk  The eager expectation of a birthday, anniversary or seasonal holiday, or the coming of a new film release, book.or favourite TV episode all bring the promise of feeling happy. 
Of course arrival can also turn to departure or disappointment, leaving a dark void and sadness.

Whereas sadness can both arrive and depart, departures can bring gladness, sadness can bring departure, arrivals can be accompanied by sadness and Sadeness arrived with Enigma.
It was therefore with a sense of sadness that on the day before my "chalky vein procedure", that sickness arrived, arresting my departure. A mild rumbling in the lower abdomen shortly after midnight was a sign that unpleasantness was about to arrive. 

That unexpected arrival resulted in my being somewhat flustered, and anxious. (Anxiety of course also being a precursor to departure and arrival). Anxious that I should get better soon or else miss the minor surgery at the hospital the next day. Alas short term improvement failed to turn up., and it was under a cloud of sadness that I called the hospital and cancelled the booking. This was met by understanding, sympathy and a small dose of irritation, no doubt from a dread of the additional paperwork.

The operation departed without me, and a slight melancholy descended, but this was soon dispersed with the arrival of a fresh new sparking appointment for next week.

That arrival did much to lift up my spirits

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