Saturday, December 24, 2011

Yuletide Felicitations!

Announced Margo Leadbetter in "The Good Life", her clipped and refined accent cold as a prawn on ice about to be served up in a cocktail, 70's style. With all the warmth and sincerity of an MP on the campaign trail, Margo turned the traditional Merry Christmas salutation into a statement of class and social climbing. Pomposity personified, oozing iconic disdain for all except her social circle. An inspiration to shop assistants the world over.

So when I started this blog, it was to be a record of my life on dialysis and the various administrative changes that my local health board were about to implement. Over time it has evolved into a transplant and recovery diary, which has displayed itself frequently to be the work of a deranged lunatic, with random impulses to veer off topic.
Who can forget the ridiculous Miss Marple entry in September, and the odd murmurings from Tudor England in August? 
Hopefully you have been both informed and entertained along the way, and I thank you all for diving into the unknown and bravely exposing yourselves to my sense of humour.

The blog began with a barely negligible readership, even more minute then our new adorable kitten, Gorbachev (Dec 18 entry), 

but down through the mists of time, more readers have been attracted to the site, from a diverse diaspora covering all four corners of the globe
(how can a circular object have corners? Over to the spacial mathematicians to discuss...)

 Returning once more to Margo's sentiments, but hopefully with a tad more warmth, I would like to wish all my dear blogreaders the compliments of the season, in their own languages...

so Happy Christmas to the UK, NZ, Australia, Canada and of course the USA

Feliz Navidad to Spain

Marau na Kerisimasi to Fiji

God Jul Och Gott Nytt År to Sweden

聖誕節快樂 sing-tan-tseh khoai-lok to Taiwan

 Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr to Germany

С Рождеством Христовым S Roždestvom Khristovym to Russia

 Wesołych świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku to Poland

 Merī kurisumasu to Japan

Merī kurisumasu to Malaysia

Joyeux Noël to France


and finally 聖誕節同新年快樂 singdaanjit tùhng sànnìhn faailohk  to Hong Kong!

Thank you for reading my blog wherever you are in this global village (i'm hanging out near the off licence!), and I hope you've all been good boys and girls so Santa can reward you all (spacial mathematicians again, how does he visit every good child in the world in one night?)

Ending this brief update with a Christmas Carol, about the message of Christmas. No doubt this would have horrified Margo and Mrs Dooms-Patterson of the  Surbiton Choral Society..

Nowhere to park, isnt this jolly?
Queue for hours with your overstuffed trolley

Five pounds fifty to see Santa
False white beard and its a yanker

Bing Crosby is on the telly
Baby's been sick, who gave him jelly?

Band Aid repeats on the radio
Enough bad food to cause a cardio

Another Christmas done at last,
Start next year's in August......


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