Monday, July 6, 2015

And so you're back, from outer space....

Why yes, the muse has returned! 

Having popped out for a cigarette break, the creative juices have been replenished.   Some break.

Actually the muse has had plenty of time to walk to Havana, grow it's own tobacco plant, carefully dry the leaf, then employ local Cubans, newly reconciled with Uncle Sam to hand deliver to the US embassy, to be flown via FedEx back to Auckland in time to hail a cab to Whangaparaoa to deliver inspiration!

Of course both I and the muse refrain from the evil weed! (Take note children....smoking = not good) 

Such a lot has prevailed during the last few months "off air", so to speak..

               :) Became a New Zealand citizen after 11 years!
               :) Bought a holiday home in Lake Rotoiti.
               :) Changed job after 7 years.

Not so Positives, (we like to call them opportunities)

               :) New car rear ended by brakeless nitwit.
               :) Not keen on new job (oh I admit it ...ex new job!) 
               :) No more negatives....ever.

Venturing into the more banal ....left eye developed a haemorrhage, which cost a private insurance co $12,000 to repair, but undoubtedly of more importance, I got to travel on a public train, unable to drive as I was.

Yes they do exist actually here in Auckland. 

The encounter was brief, hushed and illicit. 
A whispered exchange in the dead of night.
"Single to Britomart please"
Money was hastily exchanged to be followed by a quick fumble in the dark.... Tickets please!

Whoosh, I was transported deliriously to the peak of Auckland and back.
It was all over far too soon, we parted ways, I cast a quick furtive look back. The train seemed to smoke a final goodbye and then was off, again retreating from whence it came.

Since that affair the eye is approaching normality, as indeed am I, back in the blogosphere.

Until our next encounter...

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