Sunday, July 3, 2016

Five Years, Cinq Ans, Funf Jahren.

As the Disunited Kingdom shoots itself in the proverbial foot and hesitantly attempts to leave the European Union. this united union of Andrew, his pancreas and a kidney are celebrating the 3rd July as our fifth transplantiversary :)

Yes its five years ago today that the call came through and I was rushed ward-wards for the great event.

Zut Alors how times have changed! Five years ago, I drove a French car to the hospital, whereas now the Eurosceptics will no doubt be reassured, that "Johnny foreigner" was sent packing and a decent sensible English car purchased instead. Actually its a Ford Fiesta, made in Portugal and Germany, but it is still Britain's favourite car. The name is Spanish of course, but why spoil a good tale with facts, it just feels very British!

As British in fact as Windsor Castle itself. Just don't tell anyone though that its a Norman French castle, home to the Saxe-Coburg Gotha/Windsor family.

And you will be further reassured by my continuing to uphold the importance of the English language in all regards.  None of that outdated and interfering Indo-European Latin nonsense.
Now pass me that referendum paper so that I can vote.

The result will have left the winners toasting their success on Champagne, feasting on Caviar and truffles. whilst waving their arms in unison to "God Save the Queen" A tuneful ditty, also known in German as Heil dir im Siegerkranz the former anthems of Prussia, Bavaria, and Saxony, and still used today as Kongesangen in Norway. Liechtenstein too rejoices in the same tune, Oben am jungen Rhein.  Cheeky blighters!

Bon Anniversaire!

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