Sunday, August 12, 2012

It started with a kiss...

Well a sneeze actually.

Yes dear bloghoppers, I have been laid low with a soupcon of flu.
For the last three days I have been enjoying the symptoms of the dreaded lurgy, though clinically probably not real the Influenza. Blocked nose, sore throat, a whoppingly impressive sneeze routine, and shivering a plenty. Luckily my life is devoid of old wives and their tales, otherwise I would be drinking gallons of honey and lemon and stuffing leaves up my nostrils. 
No, this lurgyfication has been kept in check by heavy dosages of paracetemol and ibuprofen washed down with lashings of hot chocolate.

But sometimes I do follow advice, and following a swift text to my renal chappies and chappesses, I was asked to keep checking my temps.
As I didn't have any temps working with me at that time, I assumed she meant temperatures.... I never really got txt tlk. imao. :) lol

Out came the trusted digital thermometer, which gave a reassuringly normal "temp" of 36.1

And so they have remained stable, at around 36 with very little variance, which was no cause for alarm, otherwise that could indicate fever which could be the evil harbinger of infection from the nasty bug.  Fever of course usually involves the hospital at some point.
But after 3 days of paracetamol the sneezing has shrunk to a shadow of its former self......

and luckily this episode has avoided me having to see the doc.
So with just a couple of miserably uncomfortable days off work  this bout of sickness was hardly the Spanish flu.

After all the symptoms were far too mild, I dont like paella, and believe me, Ibiza first to complain if it was.
(Nice and hot, like my chocolate)


  1. And there is my local promenade where I walk every day in the winter, called Sa Punta point, in fact I lived in the flats right by that scraggy bit of greenery...(they were the posh apartments at the time!)and yes it is hot, 38o in the shade and 48o in the sunshine. Keep improving xx

  2. You're lucky I didn't scan in a pic of us on the beach in 1985, you in a bikini, and me covered in scrapes from that moped crash. Still they might appear one day.....

  3. Baggy, is that directed at me? as I certainly cannot remember us being together on a beach, and as I was well pregnant I would not be in a bikini. Has your memory been affected? And I do not do beaches!! Forgive me if this is directed at someone else. I love your blog! and keep improving healthwise xx Maybe you should scan the photo :-) On the other hand I am old so maybe I have forgotten!
