Thursday, August 23, 2012


From the ward! Thanks George Michael for putting it so succinctly...

My recent battles have not been against Sony, but against the perils of organ failure. Not this time my grafted kidney, but it's neighbour, my own original homegrown liver. No, wait , please listen without prejudice, there was never any alcohol involved in this hepatic encounter.

To paraphrase from my hospital discharge form, there was no stigmata of chronic liver disease, but I was both extremely dehydrated and jaundiced and my liver function tests were markedly deranged. 

(Here's the science bit)
Alanine transaminase levels, which are a measure of cellular reaction in serum and indicate liver function, were extremely elevated, around 9000 u/l against a normal reading of between 10-40 u/l. The liver had normal echotexture and the kidney was functioning unhindered. Gosh, thanks Professor.

After several infusions of saline, potassium and oodles of Vitamin K, like Violet Beauregarde I inflated, and with not an Oompa Loompa in sight. The general consensus of the hospital was that the liver had had a reaction to a trauma, such as the flu bug, and went off on its own little supersonic adventure, deranged. I was fortunate to overcome the infection/bug, because it could have spiralled out of control and become very serious indeed.

Three days passed, and luckily the infusions went to work to heal the pain. In fact to such an extent that my roving renal team agreed it was time to go outside and head for home.

Currently resting up, and after my clinic check up this morning, all seems calm and stable. 

The recuperation will take a few days, but luckily I have plenty of Patience.

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