Wednesday, December 26, 2012

On the first day of Christmas.

My transplant gave to me.....
Hot Summer Nights...
No not filled with Olivia and Johnny, wella wella wella. Tell me more. Tell me more.

Indeedy. I've been spending some much needed "family time" over the Christmas holidays, in the Coromandel; Auckland's backyard water playground.

Of course it is now well into Summer in the "other" hemisphere, and we are replete with sun lotions, bug repellents, shorts a plenty and of course enough pills to stock a small regional health facility. (bloghoppers will remember the 'pill forgetting' fiasco of last year.
Everything has been packed, checked and rechecked and the long hot summer days are consequently stress free and enjoyable........albeit a tad warm.

The 94% humidity is a bit too much for a wee Brit sweltering in the colonies...made much worse by my Prednisone tablets. Essential to prevent organ rejection, they have the undesired effect of raising body temperature. Any sign of rejection presumably would be boiled away!!!

So here we are on holiday; bowling in the arcade, drinking lemonade, splashing around....
With all this extra heat these traditional Kiwi holiday activities just sound like a drag.....

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