Sunday, December 16, 2012

We built this city...

Proclaimed Starship (ex Jefferson Starship) in the lovely summer of 1985, a huge hit the world over. Indeed it made such an impression that it has been regularly voted the worst hit of all time by MTV viewers. Ahhh.....altogether now....

"Someone always playing corporation games
Who cares they're always changing corporation names"

Became the mantra of the era, as companies merged and were swallowed up in aggesive takeovers. I remember when the beastly Burtons made a successful bid for poor little old Debenhams in 1985. The "Hands off Debenhams" badge I wore was the closest I came to the shoulder padded corporate takeover world...

With this came the the age of the corporate art, where "approved" work was displayed for the benefit of  staff and customers alike. Baaahhh what a pretty picture....Baaaaahh

One such example still in existence in 2012 can be found at the Labtests blood collection centres across this fair city of Auckland:

I know it is their "corporate choice" for I have visited several clinics, and it is there on every wall..

I find it odd that Labtests went for a depiction of  Tibetan families, a scattering of assorted Asian/Oriental  abodes, a man in a green parker, a MOD scooter, a container space ship house,  and several wabbits.
Perhaps it represents the wealth of cultures that we have in our fair burg, or the many different conditions that they test for, or just their corporate art consultant had eaten yak burgers the day before.

Every time I go for my blood harvesting I am drawn deeper into the mural, so much that I shall soon require a passport to visit it. It has become quite a favourite of mine, better than the offerings on display in several global chains the world over.
I particularly enjoy the architecture involved.

We built this city? Especially if the city may be Lhasa or Ulan Bator

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