Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Three is the Magic Number

Three is the magic number! Did the late eighties rap band De La Soul have a psychic premonition? Were they perhaps privy to some medical secret known only to themselves and Nostradamus? 

For did the soothsayer scribe "in the year 2014, cometh the third year of passing by the new part for the once afflicted sugary one”

Had he done so this may have been inaccurately predicted as a foretelling of the appearance of the iPhone phenomenon, the sinking of the Costa Concordia or some such unrelated malarkey. 

Demonstrably fact beyond doubt is the anniversary of my recycled kidney and pancreas.
For indeed it is three years since my shrivelled and frankly useless organs were given a palpable boost by the transplant this very week! In sugar terms, three years is a wealth of new cakes, biscuits and curious confections to discover, and I have the waistline to prove that as well.
Three years with no diabetic hypos, no further eye damage, no damaging daily dialysis, no 45 minutes trips to dialysis there and back three time s a week, no more injections, or daily blood tests. And no more ghastly laxative diabetic chocolate and low-cal drinks.
Three is a magic number, and may there be many more of them, or so I predict.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to you and your steak and .... hope you good thinking of you
    not over the ditch this year but will be homeward for Xmas.

    Love to you both and all your parts
    from all of us ..... schoolies remembered and to the memories of
    dancing to all your listed tracks when we were young(er) lol ! x
