Monday, April 1, 2013

Bunnies Galore...

Tis Easter and my thoughts turn to bunnies......Jive Bunny to be specific.
Summer 89's monster hit, the Bunny gave us superb mastery of vinyl scratching...

C..C..C'mon everybody

and so it annoy the nation intensely, although it stayed at number 1 for weeks, so somebody must have bought it. Probably wedding DJ,s and children's  entertainers, whilst pop fans swung into a mood of despair.
The annual eggfest is upon us once more, chocolate in various shapes and forms is pouring in from Germany, Switzerland and China (So nice of the Chinese to forsake communism in order to celebrate the financial significance of the season. After all it's not like the hardworking capitalist to let this opportunity passover...)

This of course would be my second Easter post transplant of proper chocolate eggs. Instead of the vile sugar free laxative diabetic eggs I used to receive  by way of placation. To this day i recall the powerful aroma of ny brother's Cadbury gift, as he unwrapped the purple foil. Mine by comparison was distinctly unimpressive odourwise, It tasted just as bland, and too much would lead to excessive flatulence.

So it was with a boyish sense of fun that I scattered mini eggs around the house on Saturday night, placing them in strategic places to be found. By the dog leads, in the tea caddy, under the TV remotes, on the coffee table, on the car dashboard (this has yet to be found). Hopefully the fun would start on Easter morning.....

All went well, except these eggs were of the cheap Chinese variety and tasted like the bland diabetic ones of old. And what did I get in return? A huge velvety confection with powerful aromatic wafts? Not quite.

It still made me smile though.
This has been around since I was a small child and this was too strictly verboten.
So yes, I did enjoy a forbidden treat from my past, just not packaged with all the annoying chicks, eggs and bunnies, which did wonders for my mood. Thanks Mr Bunny.

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