Saturday, April 6, 2013

You're so Vein.....

Gee, Hiya Carly Simon, glamour puss and all American gal of the 70's, how-ya doin'...

A classic from 1972, no less, with her melodic dismissal of a former lover....who probably thinks this song is about him, don't you. Only it is, isn't it, you correctly think this song is about our broken relationship, dont you. Otherwise she wouldn't be addressing him, would she, I bet she thinks this song is not about him, don't you.

But Carly would be wrong to think this post is about her, dont y...STOP!!.

The veins in question are mine, not hers,. And what marvelous veins they are too,  perhaps a little aged in places, and a tad clogged on the left side. My non functioning X-Ray vision has not deciphered this, but rather the MRI scan performed a few weeks ago.
As a result the combined might of the NZ health service swung into action, with the skilled technicians managing and calibrating the machine, my renal consultant recognising the problem and arranging a scan, the nurses and ancillary staff working to provide accurate readings, the doctors for interpreting the scans, and then the communications team for getting the results back swiftly to my consultant. Oh and the interior designers.
Teamwork indeed.

Thanks also to the local hospital management, for "managing" to reschedule the necessary surgery, due to staffing issues.
And then again to a non specified future date.
Finally like groove stuck vinyl placing me on a waiting list of "priority procedures" that could well be over a year.

Obviously this is not life threatening, but it does impact on sleep and walking thanks to the lack of circulation in my left leg, caused by a partially obscured vein. I now join that ever growing queue of persons waiting for a necessary operation, but not serious enough to warrant immediate treatment.

 Like meerkats we crowd and wait in  vain, getting on with our lives, with the occasional peek to see if the procedure is any closer:
Please don't misunderstand, I realise the health service is under pressure and am quite happy to join the queue. Up to now I have always enjoyed speedy attention, due to the nature of renal failure and diabetes, have never having to wait long.  I guess it was just wishful thinking to  hope this would be treated un the same vein. Didn't I.

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