Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Masque of Mandragora

I have this week been transported through time and space to the15th Century (care of the BBC props department), in search of a sinister facial adornment. Allow me to explain oh exalted ones....

It started of course with the Doctor....

Dr de Soysa.
Dr who?
No, not Dr Who, but Dr Janak de Soysa, renal consultant and time lord.
Time Lord?
I have plenty of time for my renal consultant.

At our last appointment following up from the scourge of the Green Death that put me back in hospital recently, we examined steps to reduce my exposure to harmful pathogens.. His first suggestion, quite logical, was to try and avoid large crowds, such as parties, concerts, or even masquerade balls.                               
A good idea, and should I materialise in a 15th Century Italian Ball,.I will take note.

Secondly the Doctor suggested that I obtain a mask to ward off the Deadly Assassin...
No, not that old gilded prop. 

Rather a face mask, to avoid contact with the Invisible Enemy.

I whimsically chatted this over with my companion, F33-9ine the Intergalactic cat.
After some musing I tried my patented disposable yashmak, with a modicum of success.

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